"Federico di Svevia" Riesling


"Federico di Svevia" Riesling has strong flavor, it reminds the big acts of the Emperor, who gave life to the Holy Roman Empire from 1220 till 1250 b.c. 

He was a grate strategist, he made Gerusalem free without fighting and held the German and the Italian people.Like the Italian side of the Emperor soul this wine keeps the smell and taste of our land, fit to tipical mediterranean plates. 

The history text books tell us a curiosity: the only big defeat of the German Emperor was undergone by the Parmesan people, who owing to the long siege of the town deceided to attack Federico's army in Grola place during the year 1248 b.c.

7,50 €

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Guareschi Anniversary

This year marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of the writer Giovannino Guareschi.
                             For the occasion, the wines of Peppone and Don Camillo with the labels personally designed by the writer                              directly to your home.

Product: Lambrusco / Dry White
Natural and 0 km wines
6 grapes out of 6 (maximum quality) AIS guide EMILIA-ROMAGNA

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